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Sandy Currie – #clearyourhead

Wellbeing Pages | 12th Sep 2020

They say life is for living and how true that is, however The reality is that the majority of our life isn’t insta worthy and the monotony of the daily grind can be hard going.

How do I clear my head?

I work hard to maintain a healthy work/life balance and do more of the things I know positively impact my mental health: healthy diet, being outside, running, cycling, rugby, reading and spending time with friends and family.


Sometimes we can’t avoid the negative stuff. Some of it we can, for me that’s overload of screen time and over analysing stuff I can’t control.


I like to be busy, I find that when my mind is occupied and I am working towards a goal, regardless of how small, I enjoy life. Even if things don’t always go to plan or I haven’t achieved what I set out to there are always lessons to be learned. If I am learning and improving then I am generally positive. I have to counter this with being realistic and trying to not achieve to much. It is important for me to remember the bigger picture and not sweat the small stuff when it doesn’t work out.


To maintain good physical health we all know the importance of exercise and a good diet. My physical health and my mental health are directly related. Both take effort to achieve results and both need to be worked at. I know what I need to do to maintain a positive mindset. I often find the hardest part of going a run is getting off the sofa. Likewise the hardest part of maintaining good mental health often isn’t knowing what to do, it’s doing it (and doing it consistently!!!)

My advice would would be find out what works for you, this takes time and will evolve throughout your life. Once you know what you the theory, work hard to put it into practice. There are no shortcuts, consistency is key. Most importantly though, there will be lots of days where we still feel a bit crap and that’s ok.

Sandy Currie – Stewartry RFC Head Coach

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